
A high technology biomedical center is characterized by its speckled pattern façade. The build has a mass of equipments which are used to culture cells of organisms’ organs and tissue.

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在2010上海世博会上,汉堡参展案例通过独特的建筑设计和节能建材应用展现了未来的城市生活方式。“汉堡之家”这座“被动房”正是梦想照进现实的最佳写照。如何诠释上海世博会 “城市让生活更美好”的愿景?本文带领读者一同探讨这座会“呼吸”的建筑的给出的答案。
In the 2010 Shanghai Expo, the Hamburg city pavilion was designed with a unique architectural conception as well as application of energy saving building materials to achieve the future of urban life style. As a “passive house”, “Hamburg House” is the best case that make dream into reality. How it expresses the theme of Shanghai Expo “Better City Better Life “? Let’s have a look at the “Breathing” house’s answer.

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